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Presentation of HiRECORD at Imperial College London

Presentation of HiRECORD at Imperial College London

Imperial College London, Project Partner of HiRECORD, organized a Reception to mark the start of UK's association to Horizon Europe on January 1st 2024, and brought together over 200 members of our European and global science communities. The event, which was held on December 14th, was an opportunity to meet researchers, policymakers and partners and to learn about some of the vital collaborations and science that EU programmes have supported at Imperial.

During this successful event, the attendees had the opportunity to learn about the objectives and future goals of HiRECORD and to run the “Design your own CO2-capture solvent” feature with the Snatoms.

During the event, some of the attendees that visited the HiRECORD stand include His Excellency Mr Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby, UK Ambassador to the EU; Ms Ruta Zarnauskaite, Head of Unit, Horizon Europe Assocation, European Commission; Dr Teresa Thurston, Advanced Research Fellow in Infectious Diseases and ERC Starting Grantee 2022; Professor Mary Ryan, Vice-Provost (Research and Enterprise), Imperial College London; the Ambassador of Finland in the United Kingdom; the Ambassador of Romania in the United Kingdom; the Chief Executive of Universities UK; the Chair of Shell UK; and representatives from the Embassies of Spain, Slovenia, Netherlands, Sweden visited the HiRECORD stand.

Dr. Andrew Hashlam and Professor Clare Adjiman at reception held on December 14th 2023 at Imperial College, London UK.


Funded by the European Union.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101075727.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funding from the UKRI under the Horizon Europe Guarantee is gratefully acknowledged (Ref 10042326, 10042487, 10050119, 10058640).

In a world’s first, HiRECORD will demonstrate a 10t/d CO2 capture plant using Rotating Packed Bed (RPB) absorber and desorber with the APBS-CDRMax solvent

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